Vision technology

Progress requires innovation. For years, we have been developing concepts for process optimisation and setting up food processing lines to operate as efficiently as possible. As a result, we understand the food processing industry like no other. We continue to see how important it is to keep innovating. That is why we have developed our robotisation and Vision technology to improve operations.

Our Vision technology helps robots understand what is in front of them. When the product arrives, a photo is taken of the product. Based on this photo, the robot identifies the orientation and centre of gravity of the product, allowing the unit to pick it up easily. This solution is ideally suited for products with an unconventional shape; bags of vegetables that keep deforming. Additional advantages are the quality scan and the barcode recognition that the robot performs simultaneously, distinguishing quality products that can be packaged immediately from goods with a lower superficial quality.

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    Innovation through automation

    At DGS, we see opportunities for process optimisation through innovation. Our robotics and other automation solutions ensure that you save FTEs on monotonous work. Are you ready for a faster and more practical process with less downtime? Get in touch with DGS.

    • Efficiency
    • Future-proof
    • Customer and product specific
    • Limited downtime
    Free brochure
    Vision 1

    Service by DGS

    Maintaining your machines and systems is crucial for a streamlined process. That is why we provide not only tailor-made systems, but also the proper service required. At DGS, we ensure that your systems are maintained properly and efficiently. Does a component need to be replaced or has an unexpected malfunction occurred? Then our specialists have the knowledge and skills to get your operations up and running again as soon as possible. In addition, our experts also offer remote assistance and will gladly draw up a maintenance plan together with you to avoid unforseen maintenance costs.

    • Maintenance and repairs
    • On-site and remote service
    Service DGS